Nice Thin Opposite Meaning

Opposite of significantly below an amount or level that is adequate.
Thin opposite meaning. In general adjectives and adverbs have opposite meanings that is words reporting quality and quantity often have opposite words. After starting a workout routine she looked thinner. Adjective Something such as paper or cloth that is thin is flat and has only a very small distance between its two opposite surfacesa small blue-bound book printed in fine type on thin.
1 169 opposites of thin- words and phrases with opposite meaning. For thin meaning less than complete the. Having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal Cut the vegetables into thin strips.
Of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section synonyms. Also boney fatless lean lithe skinny. Opposite of to make or become more watery in consistency.
Of vegetation Opposite of to make or become thin or sparse. Using a word like Interesting to mean the opposite is called sarcasm. Opposite of to make or become thinner or pointier.
Relatively small in extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest solid dimension. Opposite of to cut or trim down. John Doe openfbtd March 16 2018.
As thin as a rake. Jacob Rees-Moggs Brexit protest. Of the body with little flesh on the.