Fabulous Stranger Danger Worksheets Pdf

The Stranger Safety School Resource Kit has two key instructional components one designed for classroom use and the other intended for home use.
Stranger danger worksheets pdf. Free Stranger Danger Worksheets made up of 13 printable worksheets complete with images to colour in to help guide kids on how to stay safe. Some of the worksheets displayed are Work 1 Stranger danger work Stranger danger work Teaching stranger safety skills to children and adults Stranger danger activity pdf Abduction prevention spelling work Level 1 preschool grade 2 lesson 1 stranger danger Please read this rst. Run towards shopsbusy places Stay with your group of friends ALWAYS tell someone where.
The Lesson Guide provides all the materials you need to deliver an effective five-day safety unit to K2 children. I want my children and the children I work with to feel safe in their world. Stranger Danger - How to Talk to Kids About Strangers is a guide to help parents and caregivers of children ages 3-8 teach kids about strangers in a fun interactive and age appropriate way - without scaring them.
Of course strangers make comments to our children all the time and we must. Stranger Add to my workbooks 0 Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom. Kids want and need to know what to DO in dangerous situations but are usually only told to what NOT to do.
Water Safety Worksheet - Spelling Grades 5 - 6 STRANGER DANGER WORKSHEETS FOR KIDS Stranger Danger Worksheet - Spelling Preschool to Kindergarten Stranger Danger Worksheet - Spelling Grades 1 - 2 Stranger Danger Worksheet - Spelling Grades 3 - 4 Stranger Danger Worksheet - Spelling Grades 5 - 6 CAR SAFETY WORKSHEETS FOR KIDS coming soon. Strangers and 911 PreK to Grade 2 Subject. Upon completion of the unit a copy of the Stranger Safety DVD is checked out to.
Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Stragner Danger. The activties in this Teachers Guide will help your students know what to do when encountering strangers and how and when to call 911. A stranger asked you to go with him.
Stranger danger Other contents. This stranger danger worksheet teaches children about the tell-tale signs which may indicate that an adult is trying to trick them groom them or lure them into a dangerous situation. Dont be afraid to IGNORE or say NO to a stranger If a stranger makes you feel unsafe then always YELL TELL Yell HELP or I DONT KNOW YOU to get someones attention.